Human Performance Enhancement Expert Identification & Opportunity Generation


A technology incubator was interested in identifying new ideas & developing opportunities for human performance enhancement technologies.


Engage external Subject Matter Experts (SMEs), across 50 different technology domains to generate new technology ideas & opportunities

Our Work

10EQS engaged leading SMEs with cross-disciplinary experience to generate new human performance enhancement technology ideas including opportunity description, value proposition, feasibility assessment, and applicable scenario.

10EQS Project Team
  • Strategy Consultant with extensive experience in the defense technology & industrial sectors
  • Research Analyst
  • 10EQS Delivery Operations (=PMO) providing quality assurance, process management, and expert recruitment
  • 16 industry experts
Industry Experts
  • Ph.D., VP of Product Development – Medical Devices Company
  • Ph.D., Director of Optical Engineering – Biotech Company
  • Ph.D., Sr. Director of Data Science – Healthcare Company
  • Ph.D., Sr. Process Engineer / Colonel US Army Reserve – Semiconductor Company


10EQS identified & engaged 16 SMEs generating 51 new and innovative opportunities. SMEs with the best ideas were introduced to the client for potential technology development cooperation.

Please reach out to us if you are interested in learning more.